What do you take along to be self sufficient along the trail? What spares and tools do you have, and do you the skills to use them? Share what you have learnt along the way, be it from research, trial and ERROR or from those in the know.
Here's a good starting point from Tim James off the whatsapp group.
I see a bit of redundancy here with the sealant and the brake pads. I would want some spokes, and some bolts. A tyre boot, a bit of wire and maybe some smaller cable ties.

I did take spare spokes with me and did end up using 2 when a piece of metal post jumped up and damaged the rear spokes which later snapped
Duct Tape (small roll or taped around seatpost), super glue - both good for shoes falling apart.
Spare shoe cleat and bolts. Cable ties can be stored in handle bars and/or seatpost. Dental floss and needle for side wall tears. Dual shock pump/tyre pump- are some light options.